Comics for Sale
The following comics are for sale. For prices, find some semi believable
internet price guide. Divide in half. If you want more than a few, we
can go even lower. Minimum $20.
Transformers Digest (15/16)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #11. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #14. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #15. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #17. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #19. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #20. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #21. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #22. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #24. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #25. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #33. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #34. (Comico)
Robotech: the Macross Saga #36. (Comico)
Robotech: Masters #7. (Comico)
Robotech: Masters #8. (Comico)
Robotech: Masters #9. (Comico)
Robotech: Masters #10. (Comico)
Robotech: Masters #11. (Comico)
Robotech: Masters #12. (Comico)
Robotech: Masters #18. (Comico)
Robotech: The New Generation #3. (Comico)
Robotech: The New Generation #7. (Comico)
Robotech: The New Generation #11. (Comico)
Robotech: The New Generation #15. (Comico)
Robotech: The New Generation #17. (Comico)
Robotech: The New Generation #18. (Comico)
Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #1. (Archie)
Comico Christmas Special #1. (Comico)
Alf #4. (Marvel)
Alf #14. (Marvel)
Alf #15. (Marvel)
Alf #22. (Marvel)
Alf #26. (Marvel)
Alf Annual #1. (Marvel)
Alf Annual #2. (Marvel)
Alf Annual #3. (Marvel)
Captain Harlock #1. (Eternity)
Aliens Vs. Predator #0. (Dark Horse)
The Transformers #1. (Marvel)
The Transformers #5-39. (Marvel)
The Transformers #41. (Marvel)
The Transformers #43. (Marvel)
The Transformers #44. (Marvel)
The Transformers #46. (Marvel)
G.I. Joe and the Transformers #1-4. (Marvel)
The Transformers: The Movie #1-3. (Marvel)
The Transformers: Head Masters #1-4. (Marvel)
How to Draw Transformers #2-4. (Blackthorne)
Transformers Universe #1-4. (Marvel)
Gilgamesh II #1-4. Graphic Novel format. (DC)
Robotech 3-D #1. (Comico)
The Transformers 3-D #1. (Blackthorne)
Battletech 3-D #1. (Blackthorne)
Batman: a Death in the Family. 4 issue graphic novel. (DC)
The Real Ghostbusters #1-2. (Now)
Slimer #1. (Now)
How to draw G.I. Joe #1. (Blackthorne)
Star Brand #1. (Marvel)
Mister Miracle #1. (DC)
Visionaries Knights of the Magical Light #1. (Marvel/Star)
Air Raiders #1. (Marvel/Star)
Battleforce #1. (Blackthorne)
Battletech #1. (Blackthorne)
War of the Worlds #1. (Eternity)
Dino Riders #1. (Marvel)
Catwoman #1. (DC)
Shattered Earth #1. (Eternity)
Damage Control #1. (Marvel)
Adventurers #1. (Adventure)
G.I. Joe Special Missions #1. (Marvel)
The Sandman #1. (DC)
The Scorpion #1. (Atlas)
Arrgh! #1. (Marvel)
Tarzan Presents Edgar Rice Burroughs Weird Worlds #1. (DC)
Atlas #1. (DC)
Kamandi, The Last Boy on Earth! #1. (DC)
Marvel Triple Action #1. (Marvel)
Stalker #1. (DC)
King Size Special Tower of Shadows #1. (Marvel)
What If Iron Man Had Been A Traitor? #1. (Marvel)
Marc Hazzard: Merc. Annual #1. (Marvel)
Star Brand Annual #1. (Marvel)
Batman Movie Special #1. (DC)
Fred Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe #1. (Marvel)
Robotech Special #1. (Comico)
Robotech II: The Sentinels #1-2, 4-10. (Eternity)
Robotech II: The Sentinels Wedding Special #1-2. (Eternity)
Robotech II: The Sentinels The Malcontent Uprisings #1-3. (Eternity)
Moon Knight #1. (Marvel)
L.E.G.I.O.N. 89 #1. (DC)
Ribit! #1. (Comico)
The Sensational She-Hulk #1. (Marvel)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade #1. (Marvel)
Judge Dredd #21/22, #23/24, #25. (Quality)
Dinosaurs for Hire Fall Classic #1. (Eternity)
Dinosaurs for Hire #4-6. (Eternity)
Batman #429. (DC) (part 4 of death in the family)
Detective Comics #598.
Batman #442. (DC) (new robin)
G.I. Joe and the Transformers #2. (Marvel)
Nightmask #4, 12. (Marvel)
G.I. Joe #50-51, 69, 71. (Marvel)
Tales of G.I. Joe #6. (Marvel)
Psi Force #5. (Marvel)
Kickers Inc. #4-5. (Marvel)
Justice #4. (Marvel)
Codename Spitfire #13. (Marvel)
Mark Hazzard: Merc #5, 12. (Marvel)
Star Brand #10. (Marvel)
The Man of Steel #1-5. (DC)
Captain America #200. (Marvel)
Secret Wars II #1-9. (Marvel)
G.I. Joe Special Missions #11.
Gammarauders #1-9. (DC)
G.I. Joe and the Transformers #2-4. (Marvel)
The Transformers #5, 7 (2), 17-18, 20-22, 24-30. (Marvel)
The Transformers: Head Masters #1. (Marvel)
Transformers Universe #4. (Marvel)
The Flintstones Kids #6. (Marvel)
Robotech The New Generation #15. (Comico)